The following is a list of publications that document VULCAN-CFD capabilities and/or applications that have utilized it:
Paredes, P., Scholten, A., Choudhari, M., Li, F., Benitez, E., and Jewell, J., "Boundary-Layer Instabilities Over a Cone-Cylinder-Flare Model at Mach 6," AIAA Journal, Vol. 60, No. 10, pp. 5652-5661, 2022.
Scholten, A., Paredes, P., Hill, J., Borg, M., Jewell, J., and Choudhari, M., "Linear Instabilities over Ogive-Cylinder Models at Mach 6," AIAA Journal, Vol. 60, No. 8, pp. 4478-4491, 2022.
Hildebrand, N., Choudhari, M., Deegan, C., Huang, J., and Duan, L., "Direct Numerical Simulation of Acoustic Disturbances in a Hypersonic Two-Dimensional Nozzle Configuration," AIAA Journal, Vol. 60, No. 6, pp. 3452-3463, 2022.
Paredes, P., Venkatachari, B., Choudhari, M., Li, F., Chang, C., Zafar, M., and Xiao, H., "Toward a Practical Method for Hypersonic Transition Prediction Based on Stability Correlations," AIAA Journal, Vol. 58, No. 10, pp. 4475-4484, 2022.
Scholten, A., Paredes, P., Li, F., White, J., Baurle, R., and Choudhari, M., "Automatic Boundary-Layer Adaptation of Structured Grids in VULCAN-CFD," 11th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, July, 2022.
Li, F., Choudhari, M., Paredes, P., and Scholten, A., "Nonlinear Evolution of Instabilities in a Laminar Separation Bubble at Hypersonic Mach Number," AIAA Paper No. 2022-3855, July, 2022.
Hildebrand, N., Choudhari, M., and Duan, L., "Effect of the Reynolds Number on the Freestream Disturbance Environment in a Mach 6 Nozzle," AIAA Paper No. 2021-3776, July, 2022.
Scholten, A., Goparaju, H., Gaitonde, D., Paredes, P., and Choudhari, M., "Linear Disturbance Amplification Over Blunted Flat Plates in High-Speed Flows," AIAA Paper No. 2022-3471, July, 2022.
Paredes, P., Scholten, A., Choudhari, M., Li, F., Price, B., and Jewell, J., "Combined Bluntness and Roughness Effects on Cones at Hypersonic Speeds," AIAA Paper No. 2022-3340, July, 2022.
Liu, Y., Schuabb, M., Duan, L., Paredes, P., and Choudhari, M., "Interaction of a Tunnel-like Acoustic Disturbance Field with a Blunt Cone Boundary Layer at Mach 8," AIAA Paper No. 2022-3250, July, 2022.
Klauss, C., Pederson, C., Paredes, P., Choudhari, M., Diskin, B., and Baeder, J., "Stability Analysis of Streaks Induced by Optimized Vortex Generators," AIAA Paper No. 2022-3249, July, 2022.
Hill, J., Reeder, M., Thomas, L., Hsu, P., Jiang, N., Grib, S., Roy, S., Borg, M., Schumaker, S., Scholten, A., and Paredes, P., "Hypersonic Laminar, Transitional, and Turbulent Boundary Layer Measurements Using FLEET Velocimetry," AIAA Paper No. 2022-1704, Jan., 2022.
Li, F., Choudhari, M., and Paredes, P., "Wake Instability Behind Isolated Trip Near the Leading Edge of the BOLT-II Configuration," AIAA Paper No. 2022-1063, Jan., 2022.
McCready, J., Hoppe, C., Johnson, E., Edwards, J., and Narayanaswamy, V., "Mach 4 Performance of a Hypersonic Streamtraced Inlet - Part 2: Computational Results," AIAA Paper No. 2022-0066, Jan., 2022.
Di Stefano, M., Hosder, S., and Baurle, R., "Effect of Turbulence Model Uncertainty on Scramjet Strut Injector Flowfield Analysis," Computers & Fluids, Vol. 229, No. 105104, pp. 1-19, 2021.
Choudhari, M., Li, F., and Paredes, P., "Transition Analysis for Isolated Trips on BOLT-II Wind-Tunnel and Flight Configurations," AIAA Paper No. 2021-2905, Aug, 2021.
Paredes, P., Scholten, A., Choudhari, M., and Li, F., "Hypersonic Boundary-Layer Transition on Blunted Cones at Angle of Attack," AIAA Paper No. 2021-2886, Aug, 2021.
Choudhari, M., Li, F., and Paredes, P., "A Computational Analysis of Boundary Layer Instability Over the BOLT Configuration," AIAA Paper No. 2021-1207, Jan., 2021.
Leidy, A., King, R., and Choudhari, M., "Hypersonic Second-Mode Instability Response to Shaped Roughness," AIAA Paper No. 2021-0149, Jan., 2021.
Li, F., Choudhari, M., and Paredes, P., "Streak Instability Analysis for BOLT Configuration," AIAA Paper No. 2020-3028, June, 2020.
Paredes, P., Venkatachari, B., Choudhari, M., Li, F., Chang, C., Zafar, M., and Xiao, H., "Toward Transition Modeling in a Hypersonic Boundary Layer at Flight Conditions," AIAA Paper No. 2020-0103, Jan., 2020.
Choudhari, M., Li, F., and Paredes, P., "Streak Instabilities on HIFiRE-5 Elliptic Cone," AIAA Paper No. 2020-0828, Jan., 2020.
Bornhoft, B., Peterson, D., Eymann, T., Hassan, E., Hagenmaier, M., and Baurle, R., "Reacting RANS Simulations of a Dual-Mode Ramjet Combustor: A Code Credibility Study," AIAA Paper No. 2020-0651, Jan. 2020.
Di Stefano, M., Hosder, S., and Baurle, R., "Effect of Turbulence Model Uncertainty on Scramjet Isolator Flowfield Analysis," AIAA Journal of Propulsion & Power, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 109-122, 2019.
Shenoy, R., Drozda, T., Baurle, R., and Parker, P., "Surrogate Modeling and Optimization of a Combustor with an Interdigitated Flushwall Injector," 2019 JANNAF MSS / LPS / SPS / PIB Joint Meeting, Tampa, FL, Dec. 2019.
Drozda, T., Shenoy, R., Axdahl, E., and Baurle, R., "Numerical Investigation and Optimization of a Flushwall Injector for Scramjet Applications at Hypervelocity Flow Conditions," AIAA Paper No. 2019-4196, Aug. 2019.
Hunt, R., Ground, C., Baurle, R., and Danehy, P., "Using Computational Flow Imaging to Optimize Filtered Rayleigh Scattering Measurements of an Isolator Shock Train," AIAA Paper No. 2019-4016, Aug. 2019.
Li, F., Choudhari, M., and Paredes, P., "Nonlinear Görtler Vortices and Their Secondary Instability in a Hypersonic Boundary Layer," AIAA Paper No. 2019-3216, June, 2019.
Chang, C., Kline, H., and Li, F., "Effects of Wall Cooling on Supersonic Modes in High- Enthalpy Hypersonic Boundary Layers over a Cone," AIAA Paper No. 2019-2852, June, 2019.
Kline, H., Chang, C., and Li, F., "Multiple Boundary Layer Instability Modes with Nonequilibrium and Wall Temperature Effects Using LASTRAC," AIAA Paper No. 2019-2850, June, 2019.
DiGregorio, N., Drozda, T., and Madnia, C., "Comparison of Boundary Layer Similarity Transformations for High Mach Number Flows," AIAA Paper No. 2019-1390, Jan. 2019.
Choudhari, M., Li, F., Paredes, P., and Duan, L., "Effect of 3D Roughness Patch on Instability Amplification in a Supersonic Boundary Layer," AIAA Paper No. 2019-0877, Jan., 2019.
Edwards, J. and Baurle, R., "Hybrid RANS-LES Techniques for Compressible Flows: A Comparative Study," AIAA Paper No. 2019-0318, Jan. 2019.
Drozda, T., Lampenfield, J., Deshmukh, R., Baurle, R., and Drummond, P., "The Effect of Turbulence Modeling on the Mixing Characteristics of Several Fuel Injectors at Hypervelocity Flow Conditions," AIAA Paper No. 2019-0128, Jan. 2019.
Drozda, T., Ground, C., Ziltz, A., Cabell, K., Inman, J., Bathel, B., and Danehy, P., "Validation of the Two-Level Model for the NO PLIF for Low-Temperature High-Speed Flow Applications," AIAA Paper No. 2018-5379, Sept. 2018.
Ground, C., Drozda, T., Cabell, K., and Axdahl, E., "Comparison of Several Global Mixing Performance Metrics for High-Speed Fuel Injectors," AIAA Paper No. 2018-5261, Sept. 2018.
Kline, H., Chang, C., and Li, F., "Boundary-Layer Stability and Transition in a Chemically Reacting Martian Atmosphere using LASTRAC," AIAA Paper No. 2018-5206, Sept., 2018.
Paredes, P., Choudhari, M., and Li, F., "Blunt-Body Paradox and Improved Application of Transient-Growth Framework," AIAA Journal, Vol. 56, No. 7, pp. 2604-2614, 2018.
Kline, H., Chang, C., and Li, F., "Hypersonic Chemically Reacting Boundary-Layer Stability using LASTRAC," AIAA Paper No. 2018-3699, June, 2018.
Choudhari, M., Li, F., and Paredes, P., "Effect of Distributed Patch of Smooth Roughness Elements on Transition in a High-Speed Boundary Layer," AIAA Paper No. 2018-3532, June, 2018.
Li, F., Choudhari, M., Paredes, P., Schneider, S., and Portoni, P., "Görtler Instability and Its Control via Surface Suction Over an Axisymmetric Cone at Mach 6," AIAA Paper No. 2018-3069, June, 2018.
Shenoy, R., Drozda, T., Norris, A., Baurle, R., and Drummond, P., "Comparison of Mixing Characteristics for Several Fuel Injectors at Mach 8 and 15 Hypervelocity Flow Conditions," AIAA Paper No. 2018-4540, July 2018.
Paredes, P., Choudhari, M., and Li, F., "Transition Delay via Vortex Generators in a Hypersonic Boundary Layer at Flight Conditions," AIAA Paper No. 2018-3217, June, 2018.
Choudhari, M., Li, F., Paredes, P., and Duan, L., "Nonlinear Evolution and Breakdown of Azimuthally Compact Crossflow Vortex Pattern over a Yawed Cone," AIAA Paper No. 2018-1823, Jan., 2018.
Shenoy, R., Drozda, T., Passe, B., Cabell, K., and Baurle, R., "Computational Investigation of the Flow Distortions in a Mach 6 Converging-Diverging Facility Nozzle," AIAA Paper No. 2018-1142, Jan. 2018.
Drozda, T., Shenoy, R., Passe, B., Baurle, R., and Drummond, J., "Comparison of Mixing Characteristics for Several Fuel Injectors On an Open Plate and in a Ducted Flowpath Configuration at Hypervelocity Flow Conditions," 2017 JANNAF CS / APS / EPSS / PSHS Joint Meeting, Newport News, VA, Dec. 2017.
Choudhari, M., Li, F., Paredes, P., and Duan, L., "Computations of Crossflow Instability in Hypersonic Boundary Layers," AIAA Paper No. 2017-4300, June, 2017.
Drozda, T., Cabell, K., Passe, B., and Baurle, R., "Computational and Experimental Characterization of the Mach 6 Facility Nozzle Flow for the Enhanced Injection and Mixing Project at NASA Langley Research Center," AIAA Paper No. 2017-1537, Jan. 2017.
Paredes, P., Choudhari, M., and Li, F., "Transient Growth and Streak Instabilities on a Hypersonic Blunt Body," AIAA Paper No. 2017-0066, Jan., 2017.
Baurle, R., "Hybrid Reynolds-Averaged / Large Eddy Simulations of a Cavity Flameholder; Assessment of Modeling Sensitivities," AIAA Journal, Vol. 55, No. 2, pp. 524-543, 2016.
Drozda, T. and Baurle, R., "CFD Analysis of Mixing Characteristics of Several Fuel Injectors at Hypervelocity Flow Conditions," AIAA Paper No. 2016-4764, June 2016.
Drozda, T., Baurle, R., and Drummond, J., "Impact of Flight Enthalpy, Fuel Simulant, and Chemical Reactions On the Mixing Characteristics of Several Injectors at Hypervelocity Flow Conditions," 2016 JANNAF CS / APS / EPSS / PSHS Joint Meeting, Newport News, VA, May 2016.
Paredes, P., Choudhari, M., Li, F., and Chang, C., "Transient Growth Analysis of Compressible Boundary Layers with Parabolized Stability Equations," AIAA Paper No. 2016-0051, Jan., 2016.
Doherty, L., Smart, M., and Mee, D., "Experimental Testing of an Airframe-Integrated Three-Dimensional Scramjet at Mach 10," AIAA Journal, Vol. 53, No. 11, pp. 3196-3207, 2016.
Tokugawa, N., Choudhari, M., Ishikawa, H., Ueda, Y., Fujii, K., Atobe, T., Li, F., Chang, C., and White, J., "Pressure Gradient Effects on Supersonic Transition over Axisymmetric Bodies at Incidence," AIAA Journal, Vol. 53, No. 12, pp. 3737-3751, 2015.
Cutler, A., Cantu, L., Gallo, E., Baurle, R., Danehy, P., Rockwell, R., Goyne, C., and McDaniel, J., "Non-Equilibrium Supersonic Freestream Studied Using Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy," AIAA Journal, Vol. 53, No. 9, pp. 2762-2770, 2015.
Li, F., Choudhari, M., Chang, C., Kimmel, R., Adamczak, D., and Smith, M., "Transition Analysis for the Ascent Phase of HIFiRE-1 Flight Experiment," AIAA Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 52, No. 5, pp. 1283-1293, 2015.
Quinlan, J., McDaniel, J., Drozda, T., Lacaze, G., and Oefelein, J., "A Priori Analysis of a Compressible Flamelet Model Using RANS Data for a Dual-Mode Scramjet Combustor," AIAA Paper No. 2015-3208, July 2015.
Drozda, T., Axdahl, E., and Cabell, K., "Pre-Test CFD for the Design and Execution of the Enhanced Injection and Mixing Project at NASA Langley Research Center," 2014 JANNAF CS / APS / EPSS / PSHS Joint Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, Dec. 2014.
Ferlemann, P., "CFD Analysis of Flexible Thermal Protection System Shear Configuration Testing in the LCAT Facility," NASA Technical Report CR-2014-218258.
Quinlan, J., McDaniel, J., Drozda, T., Lacaze, G., and Oefelein, J., "A Priori Analysis of Flamelet-based Modeling for a Dual-Mode Scramjet Combustor," AIAA Paper No. 2014-3743, July 2014.
Kidd, F., Narayanaswamy, V., Danehy, P., Inman, J., Bathel, B., Cabell, K., Hass, N., Capriotti, D., and Drozda, T., "Characterization of the NASA Langley Arc Heated Scramjet Test Facility Using NO PLIF," AIAA Paper No. 2014-2652, June 2014.
Turner, J. and Smart, M., "Mode Change Characteristics of a Three-Dimensional Scramjet at Mach 8," AIAA Journal of Propulsion & Power, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 982-990, 2013.
Gollan, R. and Smart, M., "Design of Modular Shape-Transition Inlets for a Conical Hypersonic Vehicle," AIAA Journal of Propulsion & Power, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 832-838, 2013.
Axdahl, E., "A Study of Premixed, Shock-Induced Combustion with Application to Hypervelocity Flight," Ph.D. Dissertation, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2013.
Axdahl, E.; Kumar, A., and Wilhite, A., "Mitigation of Autoignition Due to Premixing in a Hypervelocity Flow Using Active Wall Cooling," AIAA Paper No. 2013-3900, July 2013.
Baurle, R., "Reynolds-Averaged Turbulence Model Assessment for a Highly Back-Pressured Isolator Flowfield," 2012 JANNAF CS / APS / EPSS / PSHS Joint Meeting, Monterey, CA, Dec. 2012.
Gaffney, R., Drozda, T., and Capriotti, D., "Numerical Simulations of the NASA Durable Combustor Rig at Mach 5 Conditions," 2012 JANNAF CS / APS / EPSS / PSHS Joint Meeting, Monterey, CA, Dec. 2012.
Axdahl, E.; Kumar, A., and Wilhite, A., "Study of Forebody Injection and Mixing with Application to Hypervelocity Airbreathing Propulsion," AIAA Paper No. 2012-3924, July 2012.
Quinlan, J., McDaniel, J., and Baurle, R., "Simulation of a Wall-Bounded Flow Using a Hybrid LES/RAS Approach with Turbulence Recycling," AIAA Paper No. 2012-3285, June 2012.
Tokugawa, N., Choudhari, M., Ishikawa, H., Ueda, Y., Fujii, K., Atobe, T., Li, F., Chang, C., and White, J., "Transition Within Leeward Plane of Axisymmetric Bodies at Incidence in Supersonic Flow," AIAA Paper No. 2012-3259, June, 2012.
Li, F., Choudhari, M., Chang, C., Kimmel, R., Adamczak, D., and Smith, M., "Transition Analysis for the HIFiRE-1 Flight Experiment," AIAA Paper No. 2011-3414, June, 2011.
Chang, C., Choudhari, M., Li, F., "Effects of Cavities and Protuberances on Transition over Hypersonic Vehicles," AIAA Paper No. 2011-3245, June, 2011.
Li, F., Choudhari, M., Chang, C., and White, J., "Boundary Layer Transition over Blunt Hypersonic Vehicles Including Effects of Ablation-Induced Out-Gassing," AIAA Paper No. 2011-3303, June, 2011.
Storch, M., Bynum, M., Liu, J., and Gruber, M., "Combustor Operability and Performance Verification for HIFiRE Flight 2," AIAA Paper No. 2011-2249, April, 2011.
Bynum, M. and Baurle, R., "A Design of Experiments Study for the HIFiRE Flight 2 Ground Test Computational Fluid Dynamics Results," AIAA Paper No. 2011-2248, April, 2011.
Drozda, T., Capriotti, D., and Gaffney, R., "Modeling and Simulation of Mach 6 Tests of NASA's Durable Combustor Rig With VULCAN," 2011 JANNAF CS / APS / EPSS / PSHS Joint Meeting, Crystal City, VA, April 2011.
Turner, J. and Smart, M., "Application of Inlet Injection to a Three-Dimensional Scramjet at Mach 8," AIAA Journal, Vol. 48, No. 4, pp. 829-838, 2010.
Baurle, R. and Edwards, J., "Hybrid Reynolds-Averaged/Large-Eddy Simulations of a Coaxial Supersonic Freejet Experiment," AIAA Journal, Vol. 48, No. 3, pp. 551-571, 2010.
Li, F., Choudhari, M., Chang, C., and White, J., "Analysis of Instabilities in Non-Axisymmetric Hypersonic Boundary Layers over Cones," AIAA Paper No. 2010-4643, June, 2010.
Li, F., Choudhari, M., Chang, C., Wu, M., and Greene, P., "Development and Breakdown of Görtler Vortices in High Speed Boundary Layers," AIAA Paper No. 2010-0705, Jan., 2010.
Gaffney, R., "CFD Validation Calculations of the Durable Combustor Rig," 2009 JANNAF CS / APS / EPSS / PSHS Joint Meeting, La Jolla, CA, Dec. 2009.
Drummond, J., Baurle, R., Gaffney, R., Norris, A., Pellet, G., and Rock, K., "Shuttle Gaseous Hydrogen Venting Risk from Flow Control Valve Failure," NASA Technical Report TM-2009-215942.
Suraweera, M. and Smart, M., "Shock-Tunnel Experiments with a Mach 12 Rectangular-to-Elliptical Shape-Transition Scramjet at Offdesign Conditions," AIAA Journal of Propulsion & Power, Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 555-564, 2009.
Smart, M. and Tetlow, M., "Orbital Delivery of Small Payloads Using Hypersonic Airbreathing Propulsion," AIAA Journal of Spacecraft & Rockets, Vol. 46, No. 1, pp. 117-125, 2009.
Jacobsen, L., Carter, D., Baurle, R., Jackson, T., Williams, S., Bivolaru, D., Kou, S., Barnett, J., and Tam, C., "Plasma Assisted Ignition in Scramjets," AIAA Journal of Propulsion & Power, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 641-654, 2008.
Gaffney, R., "Numerical Simulations of a Co-Axial Supersonic-Combusting Free-Jet Experiment," 2008 JANNAF CS / APS / EPT / PSHS Joint Meeting, Boston, Ma, May 2008.
Baurle, R., "CFD Analysis of a Rectangular-to-Elliptical Shape Transition Engine Flowpath," 2006 JANNAF CS / APS / PSHS Joint Meeting, San Diego, CA, Dec. 2006.
Gilinsky, M., Khaikine, V., Akyurtlu, A., Akyurtlu, J., Trexler, C., Baurle, R., and Emami, S., "Numerical and Experimental Tests of Supersonic Inlet Utilizing a Pylon Set for Mixing, Combustion, and Thrust Enhancement," AIAA Paper No. 2005-0021, Jan. 2005.
Baurle, R., Tam, C., Edwards, J., and Hassan, H., "Hybrid Simulation Approach for Cavity Flows: Blending, Algorithm, and Boundary Treatment Issues," AIAA Journal, Vol. 41, No. 8, pp. 1463-1480, 2003.
White, J., "Diagnostic Measurements for Modeling Turbulent Combustion in Scramjets Operating in the Dual-Mode Regime," 2003 JANNAF APS / CS / PSHS / MSS Joint Meeting, Colorado Springs, CO, Dec. 2003.
Litton, D., Edwards, J., and White, J., "Algorithmic Enhancements to the VULCAN Navier-Stokes Solver," AIAA Paper No. 2003-3979, June 2003.
Baurle, R. and Eklund, D., "Analysis of Dual-Mode Hydrocarbon Scramjet Operation at Mach 4-6.5," Journal of Propulsion & Power, Vol. 18, No. 5, pp. 990-1002, 2002.
Smart, M. and White, J., "Computational Investigation of the Performance and Back-Pressure Limits of a Hypersonic Inlet," AIAA Paper No. 2002-0508, Jan. 2002.
Cockrell, C., Auslender, A., White, J., and Dilley, A., "Aeroheating Predictions for the X-43 Cowl-Closed Configuration at Mach 7 and 10," AIAA Paper No. 2002-0218, Jan. 2002.
Gruber, M., Baurle, R., Mathur, T., and Hsu, K., "Fundamental Studies of Cavity-Based Flameholder Concepts for Supersonic Combustors," AIAA Journal of Propulsion & Power, Vol. 17, 2001, pp. 146-153.
Kumar, A., Drummond, J., McClinton, C., and Hunt, J., "Research in Hypersonic Airbreathing Propulsion at the NASA Langley Research Center," Fifteenth International Symposium on Airbreathing Engines, Banalore, India, ISABE-2001: Invited Lecture 4, Sept. 2001.
Shebalin, J. and Tiwari, S., "NOZ-OP-2D: A CFD-Based Optimization System For Axially Symmetric Rocket Nozzles," AIAA Paper No. 2001-1062, Jan. 2001.
Munipalli, R., Shankar, V., Wilson, D., Kim, H., Lu, F., and Liston, G., "Performance Assessment of Ejector Augmented PDR's," AIAA Paper No. 2001-0830, Jan. 2001.
Smart, M., Trexler, C., and Goldman, A., "A Combined Experimental/Computational Investigation of a Rocket Based Combined Cycle Inlet," AIAA Paper No. 2001-0671, Jan. 2001.
Eklund, D., Baurle, R., and Gruber, M., "Computational Study of a Supersonic Combustor Fueled by an Aerodynamic Ramp Injector," AIAA Paper No. 2001-0379, Jan. 2001.
Cutler, A., and White, J., "An Experimental and CFD Study of a Supersonic Coaxial Jet," AIAA Paper No. 2001-0143, Jan. 2001.
Rodriguez, C., "Asymmetry Effects in the Numerical Simulation of Flows With Upstream Seperated Regions," AIAA Paper No. 2001-0084, Jan. 2001.
Eklund, D., Baurle, R., and Jackson, T., "Investigation of Wall Temperature Effects in a Supersonic Combustor," 37th JANNAF Combustion Meeting, Monterey, CA, Nov. 2000.
Baurle, R., Mathur, T., Hsu, K., Donbar, J., and Gruber, M., "Lean Blowout Studies in the Cavity-Based Flameholder of a Scramjet Combustor," 37th JANNAF Combustion Meeting, Monterey, CA, Nov. 2000.
Bobskill, M., "Analysis of the AR175 HYPULSE Facility Nozzle," Hyper X Report HX-825, Nov. July 2000.
Rodriguez, C., White, J., and Riggins, D., "Three-Dimensional Effects in Modeling of Dual Mode Scramjets," AIAA Paper No. 2000-3704, July 2000.
Rodriguez, C., "Simulation of an Experimental Dual-Mode Scramjet(II): Jet-to-Jet Symmetry," Hyper X Report HX-791, March 2000.
Rodriguez, C., "Simulation of an Experimental Dual-Mode Scramjet(I): Mach 2.5 Facility Nozzle," Hyper X Report HX-764, Nov. 1999.
Rodriguez, C., "Two-Dimensional, Compressible-Flow Test-Cases for Validation of the VULCAN Flow-Solver," Hyper X Report HX-763, Nov. 1999.
Rodriguez, C., Riggins, D., and Bittner, R., "Numerical Simulation of Dual-Mode Scramjet Combustors," 36th JANNAF Combustion Meeting, Monterey, CA, Oct. 1999.
Billig, F., Baurle, R., Tam, C., and Wornom, S., "Design and Analysis of Streamline Traced Hypersonic Inlets," AIAA Paper No. 99-4974, Jan. 1999.
Shebalin, J. and Tiwari, S., "CFD-Based Optimization of Low Reynolds Number Rocket Nozzles," AIAA Paper No. 99-3794, June 1999.
Eklund, D. and Gruber, M., "Study of Supersonic Combustor Employing an Aerodynamic Ramp Pilot Injector," AIAA Paper No. 99-2249, June 1999.
Cox-Stouffer, S. and Gruber, M., "Further Investigation of the Effects of Aerodynamic Ramp Design Upon Mixing Characteristics," AIAA Paper No. 99-2238, June 1999.
Springer, R., Cutler, A., Diskin, G., and Smith, M., "Conventional/Laser Diagnostics to Assess Flow Quality in a Combustion-Heated Facility," AIAA Paper No. 99-2170, June 1999.
Cox-Stouffer, S. and Gruber, M., "Effects of Injector Yaw on Mixing Characteristics of Aerodynamic Ramp Injectors," AIAA Paper No. 99-0086, Jan. 1999.
Baurle, R., Cox-Stouffer, S., Eklund, D., and Gruber, M., "An Evaluation of the Nearfield Mixing Effectiveness of Proposed HyTech Combustors," 35th JANNAF Combustion Meeting, Tucson, Az, Dec. 1998.
Cox-Stouffer, S. and Gruber, M., "Effects of Spanwise Injector Spacing Characteristics of Aerodynamic Ramp Injectors," AIAA Paper No. 98-3272, June 1998.
Baurle, R., Mathur, T., Gruber, M., and Jackson, K., "A Numerical and Experimental Investigation of a Scramjet Combustor for Hypersonic Missile Applications," AIAA Paper No. 98-3121, June 1998.
Baurle, R. and Gruber, M., "A Study of Recessed Cavity Flowfields for Supersonic Combustion Applications," AIAA Paper No. 98-0938, Jan. 1998.
Baurle, R., Fuller, R., White, J., Chen, T., Gruber, M., and Nejad, A., "An Investigation of Advanced Fuel Injection Scheme for Scramjet Combustion," AIAA Paper No. 98-0937, Jan. 1998.
Alcenius, J., Schnieder, S., Beckwith, I., White, J., and Korte, J., "Development of Square Nozzles for Supersonic Low-Disturbance Wind Tunnels," Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 33, No. 6, pp. 1131-1138, 1996.
Gaffney, R., White, J., Girimaji, S., and Drummond, J., "Modeling Species Fluctuations in a Turbulent Reacting Flow," Computing Systems in Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 117-133, 1994.
Wilkinson, S., Anders, S., and White, J., "Status of NASA Langley Quiet Tunnel Flow Facility Development," AIAA Paper No. 94-2498, June 1994.
Gaffney, R., White, J., Girimaji, S., and Drummond, J., "Modeling Turbulence / Chemistry Interactions Using Assumed PDF Methods," AIAA Paper No. 92-3638, June 1992.